Dear St. John Vianney Families,
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Today the teachers continued preparing their online/distance lessons and activities for the school children. They were busy photocopying paper packets, creating Google Classrooms, and developing activities that will help keep students learning during the next few weeks. The teachers and I also practiced our first virtual faculty meeting so that we can stay in touch as a group and “meet" regularly even if we are at home.
Thank you to everyone who completed the Technology Survey. We will have the pick-up/drop off schedule for paper packets ready for you tomorrow. Paper packets are for those who cannot print documents at home, who do not have access to electronic resources, or who want physical assignments for their children. It is not necessary to pick up a packet if you have access to them electronically and can print them out or have the children do the work digitally. We will have packets ready for students in grades Preschool through 8th Grade.
As we posted on Facebook and Instagram this afternoon, we miss the students already but we look forward to connecting with them virtually.
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
In Christ,
Nick Senger, Principal